420 - Inconnue au manteau de fourrure
Aquarelle et encre/Ink and Watercolor
22x30 po; 55x76 cm
2012-05-23 @
22x30 po; 55x76 cm
2012-05-23 @
La photo haute résolution et le diaporama...
High res photo and slideshow.....
High res photo and slideshow.....
Les photos du modèle/
This model's photos
Articles précédents et autres détails/Previous post and other misc. things |
Diaporama/Slideshow...sur flickr
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See down below for this work's photo album
See down below for this work's photo album
Toutes les photos de cette toile, cliquez sur l'image pour accéder à un diaporama 'manuel', un clic dans l'image ou l'utilisation des flèches droite et gauche permettent d'accéder aux autres photos
All photos taken during the painting sessions, click on image to access to a 'manual type slideshow', you can access others pics by using the left and right arrows, or by clicking into the image
All photos taken during the painting sessions, click on image to access to a 'manual type slideshow', you can access others pics by using the left and right arrows, or by clicking into the image