421 - Rachel Kirby 03
Pastel sec/Dry Pastel
19,5x25,5 po; 50x65 cm
2012-06-18 @ 2013-02-16
19,5x25,5 po; 50x65 cm
2012-06-18 @ 2013-02-16
La photo haute résolution et le diaporama...
High res photo and slideshow.....
High res photo and slideshow.....
Articles précédents et autres détails/Previous post and other misc. things2013-06-09 http://www.jmr-art.com/3/post/2013/06/un-autre-vido-making-ofanother-making-of-video.html
2013-02-17 http://www.jmr-art.com/3/post/2013/02/un-pastel-finije-croisi-think-it-is-finished.html 2012-08-25 http://jmro98.wordpress.com/2012/08/26/de-lacrylique-au-pastel/ 2012-06-23 http://www.jmr-art.com/3/post/2012/06/rachel-un-peu-plus-loinhigher-further.html 2012-06-18 http://www.jmr-art.com/3/post/2012/06/rachel-un-nouveau-pastel-a-new-pastel.html La photo du modèle/ This model's photo
La vidéo 'making of'
Voir plus bas pour la galerie de photo.....
See down below for this work's photo album
See down below for this work's photo album
Rachel Kirby - Autres tableaux ou pastels/other works of this model
D'autres versions inspirées de ce modèle, l'interprétation et la photo
Other versions inspired by photos of this model, the interpretation and the photo
Other versions inspired by photos of this model, the interpretation and the photo
Galerie de photos/Photos Gallery
Toutes les photos de cette toile
All photos taken during the painting sessions
All photos taken during the painting sessions